
What is a brand?

Home/What is a brand?
20/06/2020 - 09:43:11 4360 Views

Heard a lot about the brand but really to understand what it is and what its characteristics are? Why need to use a brand, it is sure that not anyone can explain it thoroughly. So the sharing that we present from the following article will fully explain and advise you. Please take a few minutes to follow the article below to help you understand better.

1. What is brand?

A brand is a drawing, design, print or capture from text or images. It will then be printed, attached, glued, engraved, engraved on the product or the direct packaging of certain goods.

We need to label the goods because it will help show the basic content needed about each product. From there, it will help consumers to recognize the goods and take that as a basis for choosing to use for their right purposes.

In addition, for traders and manufacturers, brands also play an important role in promoting products. It will be the element on which the authorities can base on that quality inspection along with goods control.

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2. Why should we use a brand?

There are many reasons to use a brand. Typically we can be explained through a number of important reasons as follows:

a. Recognize and serve as a basis for selection
Through the brand will help consumers to recognize and from there as a basis for choosing and using the product. Because when looking at the brand, the consumer will know what it is in which unit. And at the same time based on it consumers feel more secure to choose and use products.

In business activities, the goods will represent manufacturers and traders in order to show their prestige to provide quality products to their customers. Customers will feel more secure and more confident when choosing products with full information from the production unit.

b. To promote goods
With traders, based on the brand they will promote their goods to customers. Because each unit product, the brand will be different. Customers will look at it to identify the unit's products.

c. To control, inspect the goods
In addition, as said to the label of the goods, it will contain full product information. It also ensures the legality of the goods and helps the authorities to control and inspect the unit's goods. There is such a way to ensure legal compliance with the provisions of the state.

3. What are the characteristics of the brand?

The unit in charge of labeling has the right to decide on label sizes. But it is important to ensure that all required content is fully shown. And at the same time, users will also recognize that it is a trademark. Specifically, requirements for brand characteristics will be as follows:

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- Fully write all mandatory content in accordance with the law related to the brand. The size of the letter, as well as the number of the brand, should be easy to read with the naked eye. Moreover, it is necessary to meet the requirements in accordance with the law.

- The size will represent the quantity of measurement and so it is necessary to strictly comply with regulations related to measurement with legal documents.

- If the goods are food with additives or packaging aids, food processing. Then ensure that the text height of the required contents inside the label is not less than 12 mm.

- If there is an intention to use an intact side of the package of goods labeled with the goods and the dimension is not equal to 80cm2, the height of the word will not be lower than the size of 0.9mm.

Compulsory content should be shown in a color contrasting with the background color of the label. It must also be clearly and completely recorded. There is such a guarantee that the requirement is mentioned.

- At the same time, brands, in addition to meeting legal factors, also need to rely on consumer factors. Specifically, it is necessary to show the exact content and for customers to easily see the information given.

Hopefully, in the article just presented above, it helps you better understand what a brand is and its features.

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