
What is a food brand? Trademark regulations

Home/What is a food brand? Trademark regulations
19/05/2020 - 23:05:23 3973 Views

Food branding is an important factor that makes up the second function of food packaging. If the trademark is not in the right way, it can cause the product to have no commercial value. What is the trademark? Regulations on food labeling through the article below

1. What is a food brand?

A food label is a place to show detailed information about the food contained in it along with a display of the manufacturer's brand and color images to illustrate the food and the description of the details must be correct. regulatory, and legal information

2.Regulations on food labeling

a. Name of food

The name of the food must show the authentic nature of the food. The name must be specific, not abstract, and a common name accompanied by an appropriate descriptive term of a food's characteristic or nature may be used so as not to confuse the consumer.

The letter of the name of the goods or the name of the food is not less than 2mm in height

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b. List of ingredients

Ingredients of a food must be listed on the label when it is composed of two or more ingredients. No doubt food has only one ingredient

Must use a specific name for each ingredient, no exceptions can cause confusion

Ingredients of the additives used such as the group name and the additive name, the group name and international number of the additives, the code number in parentheses.

Types of flavors and colorants such as natural flavors, artificial flavors, artificial or synthetic colors

Label the quantity of ingredients. If food labeling is intended to emphasize the presence of one or more valuable characteristic ingredients, the percentage of such ingredient shall be indicated by the gross weight at the time of manufacture.

Labeling of foods used for the diet

Labeling of the nutritional value of food ingredients

c. Net content and volume drained

- The net content must be declared on the label in a conspicuous place. The net content must be expressed in terms of units of volume for a liquid food, per unit weight for a solid food, or per unit of weight or volume for a viscous food.

d. Address of production place

- Name and address and phone number of manufacturer and packer must be suspected if they are different.

e. Country of origin

- The country of origin of the food must be written on the label as if the food is domestically produced, it must be clearly stated that it is made in Vietnam

- Imported food must clearly state the name of the country of manufacture, the name and address of the importing company

f. Product batch code

- The batch code must be clearly written on the package to identify the production time of that food shipment

- Quality registration number

g. Shelf life and instructions for storage

The expiry date is the day, month and year that the goods are not allowed to circulate and are not used. Shelf life is the shelf life of the best product.

h. User manual

- Use instructions for products that need instructions when using. In case the label does not have enough area to suspect instructions, such content must be written in a document accompanying the goods to provide information to consumers.

3. Ask to present food labels

Labels must be printed, glued, joined ... securely so as not to fall off the package

The label must be in a visible, clear position, not blurred or discolored, not erased and easy to read by consumers when shopping or using under normal conditions.

The name and net content of the food must be clearly visible on the label

For domestically produced and consumed food, the label must be written in Vietnamese and may be added in a commonly used foreign language, but the size must be smaller.

For imported food, the label must be written in Vietnamese or English. But the content of the label must be written in Vietnamese

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