
What is a pallet?

Home/What is a pallet?
07/07/2020 - 18:48:48 3809 Views

Have you heard of Pallet? So do you know what a pallet is or not? Content shared right in the article below we will advise you carefully. Make sure to help you better understand what Pallets are with the different types of Pallets on the market. Take a few minutes to consult and you will thoroughly grasp this information.

Some information related to Pallets

1. What is pallet?

Talking about what a pallet is, this is a flat structure whose task is to fix the cargo when it is lifted onto the vehicle by the truck or hoist or other transport equipment. Its pallet will have the basic structure of a load unit to allow for efficient movement and stacking.

Because of this advantage, Pallets are widely used in logistics and transporting goods. Thanks to Pallet, it will make loading and unloading as well as moving goods in the warehouse and keeping vehicles fast and easy. Pallet is not only made from metals such as steel, iron, but also made from plastic, wood, paper ...

On the market, Pallets are very diverse in size, color, and design. However, it needs to ensure that it meets the needs for durability and high load capacity. Therefore, it is convenient to move, raise and suitable in both high temperature or low humidity environment.

2. What is the pallet closing service?

Pallet closing service is the service of packing goods with flat structure to fix the goods. As a result, loading and unloading, transporting goods in warehouses or transporting goods in vehicles becomes faster and easier.

Depending on customer requirements and each type of goods, we use Pallet with different packaging. But need to ensure quality of goods when transporting and also help to save maximum costs.

3. Benefits of using Pallet

Using Pallet, it will bring great benefits to users including:

- Thanks to Pallet, it will help minimize breakage or damage to goods.

- Products from electronics to crockery or high value goods can be packaged.

- Because when packing the pallet, the goods will be off the ground so they are effective against moisture from the soil.

- Every time you move goods, it is completely easy to move large quantities because you move the pallet.

- It is possible to lift the pallet containing goods on the shelf or lift the whole pallet into the container simply and quickly.

- Thanks to Pallet, the goods inside are preserved mechanically and completely scientifically.

4. Types of Pallets

On the market today there are many different types of Pallets. However, the most popular are the following 4 types:

a. Wooden Pallet Type
This is Pallet produced from wood. Because natural wood resources are available so much, with wooden pallets it is made easier, the price is also reasonable. In addition, because of the high quality of the pallet, not inferior to other types of pallets, wooden pallets are now commonly used in the market.

b. Plastic Pallet Type
With Pallet, this is one of the most popular types of pallet in the market. It is loved by many customers to choose to buy and appreciate its efficiency. Moreover, the advantage of Pallet that is reused many times still does not affect the quality if compared to other Pallets.

c. Iron Pallet Type
As the name suggests with Pallet, its structure is mainly iron. So the bearing capacity of the Pallet line is shared that the best. It can withstand heavy objects up to 3 tons. But in fact, the demand for Pallet is not much because this type of pallet is only used with large volume.

d. Paper Pallet Type
Finally, pallet types are commonly used today. Because it is made of laminated paper material, the toughness is high, but the bearing capacity of the Pallet is quite poor compared to other types on the market. So Paper Pallet is used mainly for the purpose of cargo but light weight.

5. What to note when choosing to buy Pallets

To ensure the best performance, users should note some of the following important issues when buying a Pallet:

- Need to buy Pallet with design and materials suitable for use. Because each pallet with different materials will be suitable for different types of goods.

- Need to learn how to use it most effectively.

- Find a reputable address to buy Pallet because not any address also brings quality Pallet products to use with peace of mind.

The article presented above will hopefully help you understand what pallet is and the types of pallets on the market today. Wish you have more useful information to buy and use the most effective Pallet according to your needs.

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