
What is Haccp Certification?

Home/What is Haccp Certification?
19/09/2020 - 10:47:07 1878 Views

Nowadays, when we need to find a food factory, we are always interested in certificates to ensure standards. In which, HACCP certification is one of the types that needs to be considered. To help you better understand this type of certificate, join us to find out right through the following article!

1. What is HACCP certification?

HACCP certification is a system that recognizes that a food business has developed, documented, and implemented systems and procedures in compliance with HACCP standards.
HACCP is a quality management system, food safety and hygiene based on the principles of hazard analysis and critical point control in the food production process. Basically, HACCP is a tool that helps identify and control food safety hazards that may occur in the food business to ensure the safety and quality of food.

2. What types of companies require Haccp certification?

Enterprises producing and trading food, aquatic products and animal feed.
Food production and processing establishments, export processing zones, and industrial food.
Food service establishments, restaurants, hotels, and other organizations that operate related to food.

3. Basic conditions for obtaining Haccp certification

3.1. Business leaders

Management's commitment to performing hazard assessments and establishing control systems that focus on prevention are prerequisites for the success of implementing and maintaining a Safety System. food hygiene according to HACCP.

3.2. Human factors

The active participation and understanding of all members of the company in the Food Hygiene and Safety System under HACCP and its application is critical.

3.3. Technology & equipment

Equipment, technology, and workshop level play an important role in the application of HACCP because the HACCP Food Safety and Hygiene System can be applied to the food and pharmaceutical enterprises. Of course, for enterprises with modern equipment technology and new factory systems, the application of HACCP will be completed more quickly and simply.

3.4. The size of the business

The larger the size of the enterprise, the more work that must be done in the application process.

3.5. Experts have ability and experience

This is not a required condition, but it plays an important role in the success in developing and applying HACCP food safety and hygiene systems in organizations and companies.

4. Types of Haccp Certifications

Depending on the audience, the company will have HACCP certification according to its own criteria. Currently, there are quite a few units that are allowed to issue this certificate. Depending on the needs of each company will choose to own the most suitable HACCP certification.

5. Entities are entitled to issue Haccp certification

HACCP certification bodies must be those that have the authority to act for certification. It can be simply understood that this organization needs to be licensed by the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (Ministry of Science and Technology) to operate under the regulations.
The validity period of the HACCP certificate is usually 3 years. Currently, in Vietnam, you can refer to the leading certification organizations on HACCP such as GOOVN, SGS, TUV, ISOCERT ...
Hope the above information will help you better understand HACCP certification. Learn to ensure your business meets standards to create the safest and quality products.

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