
What is opp tape?

Home/What is opp tape?
31/12/2020 - 23:46:10 1682 Views

There is a type of material used to connect objects together which is used a lot and popular in the market today, this material is always available from stationery, factories, businesses to households. family. Surely you are very curious what material is used for this connection, right? That material is opp tape. And in this article we will learn about this opp tape.

1. What is opp tape?

Opp adhesive tape (which stands for Oriented Polypropylene), this is a material made from BOPP film combined with Acrylic glue. This type of tape is used to pack goods to help transport or to connect objects together.

2. What advantages and disadvantages does opp adhesive tape have?

- Advantages of opp tape:
+ This type of adhesive tape has a long adhesion and longevity, is easy to use and convenient, so it saves a lot of time and costs.
+ This type of adhesive tape is produced in a variety of sizes, thickness, colors, and can print the unit's logo to help promote the brand to increase the awareness of the product ... suitable for many purposes. Consumers' different uses.
+ This type of adhesive tape has high aesthetics and reasonable price, suitable for many customers using this material.
- Disadvantages of opp tape:
+ This type of adhesive tape when in the environment with high temperature, the ability to stick will be limited.
+ This type of adhesive tape when used for too long or is stuck with dirt, the adhesion will also decrease over time.

3. Process to produce opp tape?

- The first step: creating a binder from organic solvents and especially this solvent has very volatile properties. The adhesive will first be thinned onto the substrate with organic solvents, by pushing the organic solvent over a small slot on the machine.
- The second step: Then the substrate will be covered with a layer of adhesive tape passing through a small tube, organic solvents will slowly evaporate through that tube. The adhesive tape on the tape will be dry, the organic solvent will evaporate and the adhesive will remain.
- Third step: the adhesive will be heated again, by heating so that the adhesive liquefies and also mixed in the extruder. The next is applied evenly onto the substrate through a thin slot.
- The fourth step: when the adhesive has been obtained, this adhesive will be spread on paper, on aluminum, on plastic or other materials to make adhesive tape.
- The fifth step: check the quality of the adhesive tape, including the adhesion, durability, the uniformity of the adhesive tape, .. When the products meet the requirements, they will switch to packaging and transport to customer. If the product does not meet the requirements, it will be returned for recycling or destroyed. That helps customers always receive the best quality products.

4. What types of opp adhesive tapes on the market?

Knowing the advantages above of this type of products, manufacturers have produced different types of adhesive tapes to add richness. To give customers more options and also help customers use the tape that is most suitable for the goods that customers need to pack for shipping. And here I will introduce to you the types of tape that are commonly used in the market today.
- Opp inner tape:
+ This type of adhesive tape has a clear color, has good adhesion, elasticity, and is able to withstand large impacts. Very widely used in offices and packaging industries.
+ It is composed of COPP film, which is a plastic film made of PP particles, covered with Acrylic adhesive. This type of tape has one adhesive film and one layer of OPP plastic material.
+ Common width is 5mm, 12mm, 18mm, 24mm, 36mm, 48mm, ... Length from 10Yard to 1000Yard (10Y = 9m), opaque adhesion: M43, M45, M50, internal adhesion: M40, M43, M45, M50, M65, elasticity from 5% to 150%.
- Opaque opp tape: This is opaque brown adhesive tape, mainly used in offices, has the characteristic of thickness 0.038mm to 0.068mm, elongation is about 140%, heat resistant from 32 ° F up to 140 ° F, adhesive strength is about 0.25kg, toughness is about 2.9kg.
- Color opp adhesive tape: this type of adhesive tape has a pretty good adhesion, a variety of colors such as green, blue, red, yellow ... mainly used in packaging industries for marking products.
+ Dimensions include width 4.8cm, length 100Y (90m). Adhesion: M40, M43, M45, M50. Regular length 50m, 70m, 90m, 135m, 180m, ... Thickness from 0.040mm to 0.050mm, elasticity from 5% to 150%.

5. What is the application of opp tape?

- Opp adhesive tape is a very useful supporting material for things such as pasting books, gifts, documents, ... On the surface of the adhesive tape, you can also write letters with many convenient pens 

Many jobs are done quickly and conveniently.
- In which the biggest application of this material is to permanently pack the boxes of goods from cartons to foam boxes, helping the goods to be bonded into a unified body according to consumer needs. use, to prevent the goods from moving, leading to internal damage. Besides, it is also applied in industries such as footwear, stainless steel, apparel, or car cable bundles, electrical wires, electronic components such as laptops, televisions, computers, ...

And that is one of the basic information that I have been looking for about opp adhesive tapes, to be able to assist you in understanding what this opp tape is. I will be very happy that the information in the article I have provided is of great help to you.

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