
What is pallet wrap

Home/What is pallet wrap
02/07/2020 - 23:13:09 2566 Views

Demand for pallet wrap is increasing. But there are still a lot of customers who are confused when talking about pallet-wrapped products. Therefore, we would like to provide full information for the shared content from the following article. Make sure to give you a better understanding of what a pallet wrap is with important information related to it. Spend a few minutes following the article you will understand better!

1. What is pallet wrap?

Pallet wrap film is a film made of Low Density Polyethylene resin, commonly referred to as LDPE. This is the form of packaging product to fix the pallet or fix the goods, packed to protect food and food. It is the elastic force of the stretch film that will keep the membrane's contacts more fixed.

2. Types of pallet wrapped film

On the market, this wrap consists of two popular types:

First: Hand wrap line

If your goods are small, you can choose to buy a pallet roll to wrap around the roll. Because small goods are small in size and weigh so little, it's easy to wrap them with your hands.

Second: Film winding machine line

For large goods that need to be wrapped many times, choosing to buy a pallet wrapping machine is the perfect choice. Because it requires you to wrap many rings to reinforce the product.

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3. What is the role of chit film (pallet wrap)?

Pallet wrap products offered on the market play a very important role as follows:

- It helps wrap goods, products as well as packages during storage and transportation. It is also used to pack export goods.

- Protect products to ensure that the goods are still intact and against dirt and water. At the same time, it helps to fight against other aggressors from outside harm.

- Protection helps the goods not be broken and the transportation and unloading of goods from the means of transport are fast, efficient and help to save maximum costs.

4. Why should use pallet wrap

a. Helps to fix goods better
The first reason to use Pallet wrap is that it helps to fix goods better. Since we all know that among the films the PE film offers excellent adhesion. As a result, it should help to fix the goods in the pallet and avoid falling, dumping when moving, storing to bring the safety of the goods. Since then, it is more convenient in the fixed, loading and unloading of goods.

b. Help protect goods better when shipping
Using a Pallet wrap is also the secret to protecting the goods to avoid adverse weather impacts such as rain, moisture, sunlight ... Moreover, thanks to the PE film outside, it will help protect the goods effectively in impact. . From there, avoid scratching or tearing the shell when transporting.

c. Helps to preserve goods better during storage
As we all know that in a humid environment mold is easy to grow and they will damage your goods. But the product when wrapped outside Pallet. The membrane will then be exposed to alkaline, acid, water or solvents. It protects the cargo to prevent these agents from entering the cargo.

As a result, your goods are always safe. At this time, the Pallet wrap will become a protective layer to prevent agents from being directly absorbed into the goods. On the other hand, the goods can also avoid many harmful factors such as: dust, peeling because of contact with air, preventing oxidation, causing rust ...

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d. Help to save costs
Finally, choosing to buy Pallet wrap film is also considered to be cost-effective. Because these films are thinner, but the elasticity is much better than the others. When used, so it is less costly and efficient for users.

In addition, because the pallet wrap is also tougher, it should be wrapped tightly, requiring a few wraps but still effective, at an affordable price. Since then, businesses can both save costs but still ensure the safety of their goods.

5. Notes when buying pallet wrap

To get the best Pallet wrap, the user who buys the product should also note some issues as follows:

- Buy wrap wrap should be carefully checked for color, absorbency, elasticity and thickness. Polyethylene-based wrap film ensures high elasticity, thinness, smoothness, transparency, and waterproofness. That is a good product and quality.

- When buying pallet wrap film should also pay attention to the specifications of width x thickness x weight. If the width is wide and the core weight is large, the film roll will be shortened and vice versa, the narrow gauge, the lower core weight, the film will be longer.

All of the information that we have just presented above of the article hope to help you better understand what pallet wrap is. If you need assistance with any further advice, just contact us for the most dedicated guidance.

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