
What is product packaging? Function of product packaging?

Home/What is product packaging? Function of product packaging?
02/10/2019 - 11:36:17 46152 Views

Product packaging is quite important for any product. Because customers will be the first impression on the eye-catching packaging. Join us to learn more about the characteristics and uses of the product packaging!

I. What is product packaging?

- First we need to know what the product packaging is to better understand them. Packaging is a special product, used to wrap and store, to protect the use value of goods, to facilitate the movement, storage and consumption of products. Product packaging is related to the way products are stored and displayed. Usually, the packaging is designed very attractive, suitable for the products and brands of the business and plays an important role in attracting consumers.

II. Classification of product packaging

- There are many different types of product packaging depending on the characteristics of each type. Therefore, customers need to consider to choose for themselves the most suitable product.

1. Classification by use
+ Internal packaging: this type of packaging is used to pack goods, it is in direct contact with the product, often sold with the same product. Therefore, its value is added to the value of the product sold.

+ Outer packaging (or shipping packaging): this type has the effect of protecting the intact quantity and quality of products, serving the transport of products from the place of production to the place of consumption.

2. Classification by compressive strength
Hardness comes in 3 forms: hard packaging, semi-rigid packaging, and soft packaging.

+ Hard packaging: able to withstand mechanical impacts from the outside, the load of the product inside, keeping the shape when carrying out, transporting and unloading.

+ Semi-rigid packaging: this type has full solidity when carrying product containers and transport; however limited to a certain extent. It can be deformed under the weight of the goods, the impact of stress when piling the goods, mechanical impact (impact, vibration) during transportation.

+ Soft packaging: easily deformed due to the impact of cargo payload and mechanical impact from the outside, easy to change shape. Although it is resistant to impacts and collisions during the loading and unloading process, this type of packaging is a means to convey such effects to the goods and is generally used for granular, powdered, unaffected products. affected by the mechanical impact on product quality.

3. Classification according to manufacturing materials
+ Packaging by paper, carton and cardboard

- This type of packaging is currently popular on international and domestic markets. It accounts for about 70% of the packaging used. This type of packaging has the following properties: Physically: moisture-proof, tear-resistant, folding and impact-resistant (with high stiffness); Chemical: chemical resistant, heat-resistant (good heat resistance), poor ignition, resistant to insects and germs; Physiology: odorless, tasteless, non-toxic; Psychology: flat surface, easy to print decoration, easy to use. This type has the ability to recover materials to continue the production process of other types of goods packaging

+ Wrapping by artificial materials, synthesizing all kinds of materials

For example, the packaging is made from polymer, artificial rubber, plastic film, hard plastic packaging ... or a combination of many other materials to produce the types of packaging required. in preserving and transporting products.

+ Packaging by glass and pottery

- Usually for containing liquid products such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, alcohol, soft drinks ... this type is non-toxic, does not react with goods, has a certain hardness, but is easy to break when being hit. , vibration during transportation and unloading.

III. Function of product packaging

The function of product packaging is quite diverse. Should bring a lot of benefits to the user.

1. Product protection
- This is the most original function of the packaging. Packaging helps to protect the internal product from breakage, vibration, impact, and the effects of temperature and outside environment.

2. Separation function
- Prevent the product from getting water, dirt. Packaging also helps to separate products from oxidation or contamination.

3. Make shipping easier
- Some types of products without packaging will not be able to transport. For example: sugar, salt, roasted coffee ... in this case, packaging is a simple and effective way to bring products to consumers.

4. Information transmission
- One of the most basic and ancient functions of packaging is to convey information. Information printed on packaging includes mandatory or non-mandatory information such as product name, composition, utility, function, manufacturer information, expiry date, etc.

5. Minimize theft
- Packaging is always designed to pack products and only open once. Therefore, once the packaging is opened, people cannot close it or it will leave an identification mark. This reduces the risk of product being stolen.

6. Guaranteed convenience
- Products are packaging machines can be easily transported, distributed, displayed and sold on supermarket shelves, opened and closed, used many times.

7. Marketing
- Packaging is a secret weapon in marketing. Packaging helps influence buyers and encourage consumer behavior. Today, the role of packaging is becoming more and more important in building a strong and consistent brand. Businesses are interested in professional, impressive packaging design as an effective sales advantage, helping businesses increase sales and at the same time reduce costs for product promotion activities.

IV. Note when designing product packaging

- When choosing to pay attention, when designing the product packaging to best suit. Here are some factors that customers should consider when choosing:

1. Choose the right material for the product
- With paper packaging and packaging, you should choose materials based on the weight and properties of the product. Doing this brings 3 effects: first to express the spirit of the brand, the second to ensure the packaging life as well as the use and contain and ultimately help bring about aesthetic effect.

- You can choose couche, ivory, duplex paper ... for small and light products such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, confectionery .... For shoes or pizza boxes, the material needs to be thicker and stronger like 3-layer carton to ensure durability. Some other luxury items such as jewelry, accessories should be contained in designs from cold carton material, laminated wood with high durability and luxurious appearance.

2. Dimensions of paper packaging, box packaging
- Paper packaging or box packaging are effective for containing and beautifying the product, so their size should be calculated according to the inner product to ensure the balance and avoid the product "falling". "in a box or packaging so small that it is only enough to" hold "the product tightly.

3. Reasonable information distribution on the box
- Paper and box packaging is usually rectangular or cylindrical and has at least 6 sides. You need to determine what is the main side and the auxiliary side to arrange images, icons, messages and information appropriately.

- The main information will include the product name, ingredients, uses, instructions for use, storage ... and should be provided in a clear, specific, easy to read and understand.

4. Packing opening and closing packaging paper or box lid
- Depending on the type of product and usage habits of the customer, you can design the position of opening - opening or closing the box appropriately. Common collapsible specifications that you might consider are the yin and yang lid, clip, buckle, tape…

- This factor determines the convenience of packaging design and the ability to store and store the product, greatly influencing the psychology of customers' use and shopping behavior.

5. Printing techniques
- In many modern printing techniques today, offset printing and UV printing are two techniques commonly used by brands in paper and box packaging designs. They produce sharp, beautiful print images, no ink smudges and long service life. There are techniques that also create 3D effects on paper packaging that are very unique and attractive.

- Hope the above information will help customers better understand the product packaging. For further advice, please contact our Nam Phat company immediately!

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